The cabinets are built primarily using 1/2" plywood, and the drawers are a mixture of 1/4" and 1/2".
Building the cabinet frame
The frame is built almost exclusively out of 1/2" plywood. Joints were joined with wood glue + 1" long pocket hole screws using a pocket hole jig set to the 1/2" thickness setting.
Attaching the cabinets
The bottom of the cabinets are glued down to the floor (since the floor is only 1/4" plywood, gluing is the only option), and then the backs of the cabinets are attached with some brackets that fit M8 bolts and attach to the t-track.
To attach the brackets to the wood, I used a fender washer and a wood screw (fender washer necessary to make it big enough to fit the gaps).
On the far left side, I attached the left side of the cabinet directly to the left t-track with some deeper M8 bolts.